Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Conservatives vs Liberals

When George Bush became the president of the united states, I told my conservative friend that there will be no action taken on Rove v Wade, Flag burning, or any other conservative issue. Hopefully he has understood now that the division is is not between conservatives and liberals but between the haves and the have nots. Drilling off shore or protecting the environment, global warming or protecting the united states from terrorists, the solution for better living lies in the masses knowing their power. Yes, power. We have compromised a lot for the common good. But what is the common good? We are so confused about what is good for us. The concept of personal freedom is used against us. We have given up a lot of our freedom in the hope of thinking we may retain it. Obama or McCain will not solve this because the division is not between democrats and republicans. It is between haves and have-nots. Hopefully we will realize this. No, I am not calling for a communal revolution, but the realization of our strengths. I find a lot in common with a fellow conservative or a liberal than a republican or a democratic politician. But single voice is not enough. We always look for a leader for our cause. We don't need one. Revolutions need a cause. Not leaders.